A site installer tool resembles the script installers which most web hosting firms offer. While the latter are used to set up an app without being certain if it is suitable to build a specific kind of Internet site, the Internet site installer features more options to choose from so that once a specific app is set up, you shall be able to build the website you wish. Few businesses provide Internet site installers, but this sort of software tools make it much easier to pick what app to use for your website in the event that you do not have lots of experience and aren't sure what the different apps out there are employed for - blogs, online stores, etc. It's very important to know that a site installer isn't the same thing as an online website builder - rather, it allows you to set up a ready-made Internet site which you can start customizing based on your needs from the administration area of the app that you have chosen.

Website Installer in Hosting

All hosting packages we offer come with a site installer. The software instrument includes a very intuitive interface, so configuring your Internet site will be very easy even if you have never had a hosting account before. It takes three basic steps to have your Internet site working - choose your domain name, choose the sort of website - CMS, blog, wiki, e-commerce, etcetera., choose the login details for the script and you are done. We have a large number of beautiful themes that you'll be able to select from on the second step and you will see the relevant ones in accordance with what purpose you have chosen for the site, so you can have a unique site immediately. The tool along with all themes that are provided inside the hosting Control Panel come as a standard with every package deal and at no additional cost, so you could save a lot of money on web design services and still have a professional website.

Website Installer in Semi-dedicated Servers

We offer a site installer as a part of the custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel which comes with all semi-dedicated server packages. This instrument shall enable you to set up a site with just several mouse clicks through a really user-friendly interface. You will not experience any issues as all you shall have to do will be to pick a domain hosted within your account, choose a template for it, and set the login info for the site admin area. As we offer over a thousand templates for various sorts of websites, you'll be able to have a beautiful, professionally-looking site in just a few minutes and you shall save a lot of money on web design or on paid templates from third-party providers. You could explore the templates by type, so when you wish to launch an e-commerce website, for example, you'll be able to view only relevant themes and not ones for an photo gallery or a blog.

Website Installer in VPS Servers

We provide a site installer with all VPS servers that are ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. The software tool features the same intuitive interface as Hepsia, therefore you will be able to set up a website with just several clicks and without any hassle. When you access the installer, you could choose any of your domain names and the type of site that you would like to have, and the tool shall offer you hundreds of lovely themes to choose from. A few moments later your new site will be operational, so you can log into its back office and start adding content - products for an Internet store or posts for a blog, for example. Not only will the site installer permit you to launch a website on your Virtual Private Server effortlessly, but it will also save you quite a lot of cash as you'll not have to spend anything on webpage design services.

Website Installer in Dedicated Servers

The site installer we offer with our dedicated server plans is a component of the in-house developed Hepsia CP and comes with the exact same user-friendly interface, enabling you to use the full potential of the dedicated hosting server and have stunning websites even if you have not had a hosting account before. As soon as you access the software tool, you'll be able to pick among a number of different categories for the type of website you intend to create and based on your choice you will be offered several hundred professional templates for that particular type. We provide these templates 100 % free, so you will not have to spend additional money for web design services since you'll be able to set up everything yourself without any difficulty. A click later your website shall be up and running, so you can log into its administrator area and start adding or customizing webpages with your own text and pictures.