Accessing your web connect via FTP will be fast and easy. You will be able to upload and download files/folders with only a couple of clicks of the mouse. Aside from administering the entire content, you can also give other people access to a specific part of your account without giving them access to your hosting Control Panel where they can find private e-mails or other info they shouldn’t. This can be done by setting up a different FTP account that they can make use of to access only one directory within the web hosting account. This option is quite useful if you work with several web developers or if you use a web design tool such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage to administer a number of sites at once, as you can create a separate FTP account for each person or each website. In such a case, it is crucial to be able to administer your FTP accounts without any hassles.

FTP Manager in Hosting

All our hosting plans include a multi-feature, albeit intuitive FTP Manager, which will permit you to manage all the FTP accounts that you’ve created in a seamless way. The software tool is a part of our ultramodern Hepsia hosting Control Panel and besides setting up and deleting accounts, you can edit the password for any active account with only 2 clicks. You can change the access level for any specific FTP account just as easily – you just have to click on the access path for the account in question and then to select the new directory. What’s more, you can download an auto-configuration file for various FTP applications and configure any of the FTP accounts on your PC simply by installing the file in question. For easier and more efficient management, you can arrange the FTP accounts alphabetically based on their access paths or their usernames.

FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you open a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you’ll be able to take advantage of various features that are accessible in the FTP Manager section of our advanced Hepsia Control Panel. You can create a new FTP account and specify what folder it will have access to with only a few mouse clicks via an easy-to-navigate interface. A list of all the FTP accounts that you’ve created will be available in the exact same section as well and, for your convenience, you can sort them by username or access path in descending or ascending order, so you’ll be able to easily locate the FTP account that you need. Changing the access path for an active account is as simple as clicking on it and choosing the new path, whereas removing an account or changing its password requires one single mouse click too. Using the FTP Manager, you can also make use of config files for widely used desktop FTP software applications like FileZilla and CyberDuck.