The ideal package to start your online existence with limited funds. Start your small–scale portfolio site, family photo gallery or individual weblog in an instant making use of the 1–click Web Apps Installer. A free–of–charge domain name is included as well. And so is a convenient Control Panel.
Starter Package
Starter hosting at
€3.33/mo.Check out our web hosting services with a 30-day free of charge trial. No payment required.
24x7 Support
24–7 Customer Support
Our team of accomplished customer support engineers is waiting for you to contact 24x7 for any questions that you may have about our hosting solutions. Irrespective of whether you need suggestions or have a significant matter to resolve, we’ll be here to assist you. You can reach us via e–mail or through the ticketing system. A 1–hour response time is guaranteed. You can also call us on the telephone or use the live support service during business hours.
Website Installer
Start your site with a single click of the mouse
Publishing your websites is as easy as 1–2–3 with our quick, 1–click Instant Web Site Installer. Absolutely no coding is required, absolutely no web design skills are needed at all. Simply pick out the type of web site you would like – business or personal, plus a skin of your preference. Then hit the Install button and your new website will be published online in the blink of an eye. Go to the Website Installer inside the Sian Hosting and Domain Names Web Hosting Control Panel.
Free Templates
More than one hundred free–of–charge site templates within the hosting Control Panel
Are you searching for a fresh theme for your Wordpress online diary? Would you like a fresh new design layout for your Joomla™–powered web site? You will be able to pick out from over 100 totally free website layouts directly from within the Sian Hosting and Domain Names Web Hosting Control Panel. Simply pick the web theme of your preference and install it on your web site with just a click. Your new web site will be set up with its very own one–of–a–kind design in a matter of minutes. And you won’t even have to abandon your web hosting Control Panel!
True Cloud Platform
We have utilized the newest cloud server technologies when building our own web hosting platform, which is insusceptible to incidental performance disruptions and outages. All the services related to your website such as DNSs, emails, databases, apps, etcetera are taken care of by separate physical machines so that even if there’s an overload problem, your website will still be working seamlessly.
Website Builder
Create your very own web site with just a click right away
Our cloud web hosting packages come with an easy–to–use Free Of Charge Web Site Builder. You’ll find it within the Web Hosting Control Panel. This tool offers a selection of 100+ business and personal web design themes as well as an intuitive site management GUI. All you need to do is select a web page layout then add your pictures and add text with a single click of the mouse. When you’re done with that, press the Publish button and your site will be published to the Internet in a jiffy.
30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
Get your money back in case you aren’t pleased
Our hosting packages are backed up by a 30–day money–back guarantee. Hence, if, for some reason, you are not completely pleased with the quality of the delivered services, you can contact our Sales Department to claim a full refund. You can write us an e–mail, send a ticket, telephone us or use the live chat service.
Data Backups
Your website content could be retrieved at any time
Not a single website is defended against hack attacks. Your web site might be affected even by unintended website content deleting on your end. Thanks to our data backup service, we can easily retrieve all your website content at any moment. In addition to the frequent server backups that we are creating, you can yourself create manual backups of your website content with just a mouse click through the File Manager, which is accessibly available in your Web Hosting Control Panel. Just generate an archive of the directory(ies) that you’d like to manually back up and put it in a location of your preference.
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Service guarantees
- Our bundles include absolutely no set up service fees along with a 30–day reimbursement guarantee. Our typical reply–back time is twenty minutes.
Compare our prices
- Take a look at our pricing and select the perfect web hosting solution for your personal or business websites. You can easily upgrade to a more advanced plan with a click.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- You are able to get in touch with us while in business hours over the phone for just about any general information and facts.