Whois Privacy Protection with Sian Hosting and Domain Names

As a rule, a person’s WHOIS info must be publicly available and additionally utterly correct. This means that you need to file your individual or business data on the web and make it accessible for everybody to check. Using the Domain Info WHOIS Privacy Protection service you can find at Sian Hosting and Domain Names, you are able to disguise all your information by using our info as an alternative.
A great benefit is the fact that just about all domain–related e–mails (transfer requests, EPP codes, etcetera) will nevertheless pass, whilst not needed messages can be filtered out.

Whois Privacy Protection–eligible TLDs

A result of a registry–imposed limitation, Sian Hosting and Domain Names can’t provide the Whois Privacy Protection solution to all the domain names on the market. When a TLD supports such solution by registry principle, then we will offer it to you too. On the other hand, much of the widely–used domain names extensions come with Whois Privacy Protection support.
These TLDs include: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv, .cc.

SSL Certificates

Get SSL certificates from your CP

Through the Domain Manager, you can purchase an SSL certificate for your domain. With an SSL certificate, all the confidential info that your customers submit through your website (via the order form, through a login form, and so on) will be enciphered and the submitted info will never be jeopardized.

To get an SSL certificate for your domain, simply enter the necessary details and then click the Activate button. You can obtain a generic SSL certificate, which will be enabled for just one single host, or a wildcard SSL certificate, which will be enabled for all the hosts under your domain.

SSL Certificates

Video Tutorials

Integrated set of training videos

In case you face any problems working with our web hosting Control Panel, Sian Hosting and Domain Names offers an easy method of resolving them – our video tutorials. We’ve accumulated a terrific selection of video tutorials that cover everything you can do with our web hosting Control Panel – from registering a domain name to modifying your PHP preferences.

Additionally, we have a detailed F.A.Q. repository, which houses the questions that our client service staff is asked the most. Besides, you can always get in touch with our 24/7 tech support team and have one of our knowledgeable customer service technicians look into your situation.

Video Tutorials

GeoIP Redirection Tool

Put together location–based redirections

The Domain Manager gives you the opportunity to address a particular audience based upon its location. With the GeoIP location tool, you’ll be able to easily send the visitors from a specific geographical location to a certain part of your site that is focused on their needs. For instance, if you desire to build a French version of your site, you can create a sub–domain fr.your–website.com and utilize the tool to redirect the visitors from France and from the French–speaking countries around the world to this particular subdomain.

The GeoIP location tool offers a simple interface via which you can set up a redirection with merely a mouse click. There is absolutely no need to enter any code in the .htaccess file.

GeoIP Redirection Tool

Domain Name Redirection

Point your sites to every other host on the internet

With our domain name forwarding tool, you can point a domain or a sub–domain in your account to any web site at all. This tool has a simple–to–use interface, which enables you to redirect the (sub)domains that you want with merely a few clicks. Thus, you won’t need to cope with complex .htaccess file modifications.

In order to redirect a domain, just choose the destination path it will follow and our intelligent tool will carry out everything else for you and will momentarily point the domain to the desired location.

Domain Name Redirection

24/7 Support Service

A support team is always here available for you

Our highly accomplished support engineers will be online for you 24–7–365 to assist you with any difficulty that you might have managing your domain names. In case the domain you want to register is already grabbed or if you aren’t aware of how to activate Whois Privacy Protection, just send us an email message or submit a trouble ticket and we will write back to you within 1 hour.

To get an instantaneous reply, you can telephone us or use our live chat option on weekdays.

24/7 Support Service

DNS Record Management

Get total control over your DNS settings

Via the Custom DNS section of our Domain Manager, you can edit all the DNS records pertaining to your domain name with a single click! All key types of DNS records are supported, including A, AAAA, MX, NS, CNAME, SRV and TXT records. All you have to do is specify the new value for the DNS record that you’d like to add or edit, press the action button and allow a little time for the new record to be propagated globally. Another alternative is to revert a DNS record to its former state.

What’s more, if you desire to make your web site’s nameservers resemble your domain, you can accomplish that with just one click from the Domain Manager.

DNS Record Management

Multiple Domain Name Management

Be in charge of numerous domains simultaneously

Through our Domain Manager, you can easily administer a ton of domain names from one single location. You will be bestowed with access to a rich array of DNS controls and will also be able to make modifications to plenty of domains at the same time.

Also, if you happen to also have a cloud hosting account with us, you’ll be able to administer both your domain names and your websites from just one location.

Multiple Domain Name Management

Domain Locking

Prevent your domain from becoming transferred

With the Registrar Lock feature activated, you can be sure that your domain name is defended against cybertheft. Anybody who attempts an unauthorized domain name transfer will be momentarily blocked and the domain name transfer request – rejected.

In the event that, at a given point, you decide to transfer your domain name to a different domain registrar, you’ll be able to unlock it with just a click. You’ll find the locking/unlocking functionality in the Domain Manager section of your Control Panel.

Domain Locking

  • Compare Our Prices

  • Select from 50 different TLDs for your domain name. Buy a domain name registration at an amazing value.
  • Compare our TLD prices
  • TLD Details

  • Sian Hosting and Domain Names provides a selection of over 50 TLDs. Find a little more about each one TLD and determine if they’ve got any kind of special prerequisites.
  • View TLD Details
  • Service Guarantees

  • At Sian Hosting and Domain Names, you will find trouble–free domain name hosting services. A 99.9% network uptime is guaranteed.
  • Contact Us

  • Have concerns about Whois Privacy Protection? Give us a call or take advantage of the online chat for live assistance on business days, or post a ticket from your Control Panel at any moment and get a speedy assistance from our proficient technicians.